Understanding What Causes Migraine Headaches, Depression, Insomnia, and Bipolar Syndrome Symptoms and Signs
By Dr. John A. Allocca
The Migraine Syndrome may begin in childhood, adolescence or early adult life and continue to reoccur at periodic intervals, which vary with the individual, and sometimes diminish in frequency as the person advances in age. There are two major classifications of Migraine headaches, with and without visual disturbances. The Migraine with visual disturbances, which is usually the most severe, is characterized by a visual disturbance, numbness on one side of the body or limb, and/or slight speech abnormality. These symptoms, referred to as the aura will diminish as a headache, nausea, vomiting etc. become more pronounced. The visual disturbance may last anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. As the visual disturbance slowly disappears, it gives way to boring pain generalized or localized in one area of the head. The pain will increase in intensity and acquire a throbbing character. The throbbing characteristic may be intensified by stooping and by all forms of exertion, light, or sound. If you lie down the intensity may be increased, and it is slightly reduced when sitting upright. This is due to an increase of pressure in the head when lying down and a decrease when sitting up. In many cases, the pain may extend down to the neck. Almost all migraine sufferers experience nausea to some extent. As vomiting occurs, so does sweating and chills due to the severe fluid and nutrient depletion. Diarrhea, often preceded by constipation, will usually occur about the same time as the nausea and/or vomiting. During a migraine attack, one will undergo a state of mental confusion, altered consciousness, and may experience a state of euphoria. Along with this confusion and euphoria is the constant throbbing of pain, which will not stop. During the headache, one may experience mood changes with feelings of being rejected and often seriously depressed. At times one may be unsociable, rejecting companionship or the presence of others, becoming irritable and rejecting any demand to make a decision. Migraine attacks will vary in duration and intensity. There may be a feeling of physical depletion for a day or two, especially if there has been a great deal of vomiting or diarrhea. The frequency of migraine attacks vary from daily to only a few times in a lifetime. Between attacks there are almost no symptoms with the exception of the ih type Alt personality, irritability, and depression. The symptoms of depression are quite easily realized. The symptoms of bipolar syndrome are not so easily noticed. Bipolar syndrome is often characterized by an individual who is quiet or depressed one moment, then exhibits mania and/or rage the next moment. An individual suffering from depression may also suffer from insomnia.
Main Causes - Migraine Headaches
Imbalances in brain chemistry, particularly neurotransmitter levels, have a large range of effects on emotions, behavior, and brain circulation. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that pass signals between nerves. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that pass signals along nerves. Normally, a part of your brain sends signals along the nerves to keep the blood vessels in your head at a constant size. The enlarged blood vessels will create a tremendous amount of pain, hence the migraine headache. Serotonin and norepinephrine are the two main neurotransmitters used in the brain to control the size of blood vessels as well as other functions. These neurotransmitter levels can be diminished by allergic reactions, inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients into the brain, poor metabolism of nutrients in the brain, chemicals that deplete them, excessive depletion (over usage) lowering them or because there are not enough nutrients in the brain to produce more. Congestive bowel toxicity and intestinal dysbiosis play a major role in producing toxins. Migraine, depression, and insomnia have similar mechanisms and pathways, all resulting from a loss of serotonin and norepinephrine. The loss of serotonin and norepinephrine may be quantified in three stages. Stage 1 is the first level below normal whereby insomnia is experienced. Stage 2 is the next lower level whereby depression is experienced. Stage 3 is the next lower level whereby a migraine headache is experienced It appears that Migraineurs have a higher than normal amount of serotonin and norepinephrine receptors in the brain and therefore require a larger than normal amount of neurotransmitters, which requires a larger than normal amount of nutrients to manufacture them. The multifocal prevention method addresses two mechanisms. First, provide adequate nutrients to the brain that are needed to manufacture neurotransmitters. Second, prevent the loss of neurotransmitters. Special attention is also given to complications such as, increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome), which may allow large allergic substances to enter the blood stream, increased intestinal Candida albicans, liver and bowel toxins, etc. These complications lead to the loss of neurotransmitters.
Main Causes - Depression and Bipolar Syndrome
Imbalances in brain chemistry have a large range of effects on emotions, behavior, and brain circulation. Migraine, depression, and insomnia, all have similar neurotransmitter mechanisms of low serotonin and norepinephrine levels. Insomnia and depression are often associated with migraines. Serotonin and norepinephrine are the two main neurotransmitters needed in the brain. When the level of serotonin is low and the level of norepinephrine is high, the individual may experience mania. Neurotransmitter levels can be diminished by allergic reactions, inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients into the brain, poor metabolism of nutrients in the brain, a lack of nutrients in the brain, chemical reactions, stress and other factors listed. Norepinephrine levels can skyrocket from the use of stimulants and over-the-counter medications such as, pseudoephedrine. Many people, especially children have poor diets resulting from high toxin levels and low nutrient levels, which can lead to low serotonin levels in the brain. Low levels of serotonin and low levels of norepinephrine can cause depression. Consequently, they will experience depression and fatigue and pursue stimulants such as coffee and soft drinks containing high amounts of caffeine. The caffeine causes an increase in cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine levels in the brain. When there are low serotonin and high norepinephrine levels in the brain, an individual may exhibit manic behavior and when high enough, violence. This is the biochemical foundation of the bipolar syndrome. The multifocal prevention method addresses two mechanisms. First, provide adequate nutrients to the brain that are needed to manufacture neurotransmitters. Second, prevent the loss of neurotransmitters. This method includes: daily dietary supplementation of nutrients that are required for the production of neurotransmitters in order to increase the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine, along with supplementation of antioxidants, methyl donors, anti-allergic substances, cell membrane support substances, and a special diet to reduce the amount of allergic and inflammatory reactions.
Increasing Neurotransmitter levels
Supplementation to Increase Neurotransmitter Levels
Serotona TM (Neurobiology Formula 12397 Part 1- patented) idesigned to supply the nutrientsrequired to facilitate the production of serotonin in the brain. Norepa TM (Part 2 of the formula) is designed to supply the nutrients required to facilitate the production of norepinephrine in the brain and to decrease allergic reactions. Consequently, when lost serotonin and norepinephrine are replaced naturally, loss of vasomotor control may be prevented. Daily intake of this formula will help to maintain prevention. All of the ingredients in the Neurobiology Formula are nutrients one should be getting in their diet. However, one may not be getting a sufficient quantity of them to meet their particular needs. Physicians have recommended this formula during pregnancy. Serotona TM (Neurobiology Formula 12397 - Part 1) Three capsules contain: Vitamin C (as Calcium Ascorbate) - 140 mg, Niacin as Inositol Hexanicotinate) - 78 mg, Vitamin B-6 - 2 mg, Magnesium (as Magnesium Aspartate) - 220 mg, Proprietary Blend 950 mg (Quercitin, L-5-Hydroxytryptophan, Choline Citrate, Dimethylglycine). Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, adults, orally, three capsules in the morning with food, or as directed by a health care practitioner. Norepa TM (Neurobiology Formula 12397 - Part 2) Three capsules contain: Vitamin C (as Calcium Ascorbate) - 160 mg, Folic Acid - 400 mcg, Calcium (as Calcium Citrate/Calcium Ascorbate) - 70 mg, Magnesium (as Magnesium Aspartate) - 40 mg, Copper (as Copper Gluconate) - 4 mg, Proprietary blend - 1,300 mg (L-Tyrosine, Quercetin, Grape Seed Concentrate) Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, adults, orally, three capsules in the morning with food, or as directed by a health care practitioner.
General Health Supplementation
Daily Multiple Vitamin and Mineral A multiple vitamin and mineral formula is recommended to ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your diet may be lacking. Buffered Vitamin C Powder Vitamin C powder is used to determine your daily dose of Vitamin C by using the Ascorbate Flush method. One can take capsules for the daily dose if desired, once the proper dose has been determined. Vitamin C is an important anti-oxidant. Potassium Potassium Aspartate (99 mg potassium) Calcium Citrate (100 mg calcium), Magnesium Citrate (100 mg magnesium) Omega 3 Oils (EPA - 300 mg, DHA - 200 mg) EPA/DHA are recommended because they have anti-inflammatory properties. Ginko Biloba - 60 mg Ginko Biloba is recommended to facilitate brain vascular circulation. Turmeric O 600 mg Turmeric is recommended because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Take 600 mg 1-2 times per day.
Source: www.alternativementalhealth.com
Vitamins For Migraine Headaches
By Sandra Kim Leong
You should think about consuming vitamins for your migraine headaches. This is because studies show that there is a link between migraine headache sufferers and a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals. Normally, if you eat a balanced health diet, then you should have an adequate supply of all essential vitamins and minerals. However, you would find that most of us do not eat well for various reasons. For your migraine headaches, I suggest that you try the following supplements: Magnesium, Calcium, B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine).
In fact, you may already have heard about Magnesium being effective in reducing the frequency and intensities of your migraine headache. Magnesium is found to be needed for the proper performance of serotonin. In addition, magnesium affects your arteries. When your body is low in magnesium, your arteries will constrict more. This can result in the debiliating pains that you are experiencing.
In natural sources of food, Magnesium can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, seafood, beans and nuts. However, do take a note in what you eating because some of these foods, like nuts, can also trigger headaches. Hence, you may wish to consider magnesium supplements instead.
Calcium is another mineral that can be readily found in dark green leafy vegetables. Dairy products and seafood also contain good sources of calcium.
If you are taking Magnesium supplements and decide to take Calcium supplements too then you should know that you cannot take them at the same time of the day. This is because Calcium can block the body's ability to properly absorb magnesium. Therefore take them say one in the morning and the other in the evening.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and Vitamin B6 have been proven headache pain relief products that will reduce the number of migraines you will have. While you may prefer to take a B complex supplement, please note that the other B vitamins are not proven headache pain treatment products.
You should definitely consult your health care provider about consuming the above mentioned vitamins for migraine prevention. Ask him for recommended dosages that you should take. Another thing that you can do to help reduce your migraine pains is to avoid food triggers. It is definitely a better idea to take these vitamins for migraine headaches rather than treat your headache pains with drugs!
Source: www.selfgrowth.com